Regarding Providing Exemption Facility from Obligatory Mortgage Document Registration According to Registration Act,1908 -Section -17(2) (X) Regarding Sending Complete List of Auction Advisement According to Artha Rin Adalat, Law-2013, Section-12 (Till 30-06-2019). Law Circular-02/2019: Redetermination of lawyer's fees Policy-2019. Law Circular-03/2019: Panel lawyer's recruitment related Policy-2019. Law-1099: Regarding Classified Loan target achievement. Law-1100: Amendment in Loan Recovery(Law) Circular-03/2019.

Work plan and time frame to settle the classified loans which are pending before Artha Rin Adalat Law-405: Regarding Implementation of 25th Board Risk Management Meeting Minutes. Law-546: Regarding Aternative Dispute Resolution target achievement. Golam Mahbub (G-564), DGM, Law Department Law-995: Formation of Monitoring cell for credit case.

Law-101: Implementation of Board Decision taken on 28th Meeting. Law-808: Regarding Re-formation of Monitoring Cell for Artharin Cases. Law-811: Regarding Determination of Target for Timely Settlement of Cases to Decrease Non Performing Loan (NPL)/ Default Loan Cases Which are Under Artharin Adalat. Law: 968: Regarding Implementation of Decision Taken on BKB Risk Management Unit's December/2021 Meeting. LAW-1186: Regarding Reformation of Artha Rin Case Monitoring Cell. Law:1202: Regarding Sending Proposal for Filling Appeal/Revision on High Court Against Wise Court's Veridiction/Order of Case.